Bearrison Street Fair will be hosting the Barbells, Bears, and Butts Deadlift Competition at the street fair @ 11th & Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA. Sponsored by Fitness SF and MetalBob Training.
Bearrison celebrates diversity and inclusion. All genders/races/ages/body weights welcome!
Interested in competing?
*************SIGN UP HERE*************
**Deadlift competition will be held at Bearrison Street Fair, Saturday Oct. 15th, 1-2PM & 3-4PM. The street fair runs 12-6PM.
**You can sign up for one of two options: ~225 bar weight and ~315 bar weight. For each round, most reps wins. $100 prize for each round.
**Select the bar weight in which you will compete. Participants can compete in EITHER the 225 lbs bar weight OR 315 lbs bar weight.
**We want to create a sexy fun event so for attire: jock straps or singlets + gay flare welcome. Belts and lifting socks also welcome.
**Optional participation in bare butt contest with prizes.
**Safety is a top priority. The event will abide safety standards of powerlifting competitions. We will provide warm-up exercise equipment, water, sunscreen, first aid supplies, and a lifting platform for the competition. In addition, the fair will have medical staff on site.
**Equipment provided by Fitness SF. Head judge: MetalBob.
**Limited space: Sign up today!